Tucson urban soundscape

Tucson urban soundscape. An installation produced by Urban agency colloquium students 2023.

Poster, Athba Alradaan

This sound installation represents a collection of audio moments captured within and through the Tucson urban landscape. The collection archives a spatial momentum and proposes an alternative hymn professing what it means to exist, and to sense, in this city. Evoking a sense of place, this installation maps Tucson via the Sunlink streetcar, Tucson’s public transit infrastructure thus rendering audio from its sensorial intensities. Following the Tucson Sunlink streetcar is meant to impress upon visitors of this installation a sense of path. The audio will compress and decompress as the collected material collages and transitions from both day and night, as it speaks to the range of intensities offered to us by this urban landscape. In the presence of these sounds, one might encounter a resonant cadence rooted in Tucson’s urban imaginary. The sound bites collected represent Tucson through the lens of CAPLA’s Urban agency colloquium students.

Athba Alradaan + Fatima Alzahraa Alsulaiman S M S, Graphic art.

Tabitha Rodriguez, Text.

Seunghu Kim + Eduardo Guerrero, Audio edition.

Nathan P Morse + Alejandro Villasenor + Tabitha Rodriguez, Production.

Eva Rose Serbin + Lauren Marie Hunter, Sundt Gallery.

Irena Velickovic, Social media.

Jack Thomas Schulman, Audio Path.

Eduardo Guerrero M.U.D, Clare Robinson PhD, Beth Weinstein PhD, Instructors.

Plan, Fatima Alzahraa Alsulaiman S M S

The University of Arizona, School of Architecture, May 2023



14 Hugo Bruley, Landscape architecture / Paris


13 David de la Peña PhD, Participatory design / Sacramento