04 Cruz García, Post-colonial urbanism / Ames

A conversation with architect Cruz García from WAI Think Tank, exploring the Post-colonial method, the Loudreaders education series, the alternative art space Intelligentsia Gallery, and the manual of anti-racist architecture education.

Join Eduardo Guerrero, urban designer based in Tucson, as he talks with urban idealists and designers about their work and stories. Listen in as he engages these relevant thinkers in reflections and conversations about the environment and culture.

04 Cruz García, Post-colonial urbanism / Ames


WAI Architecture Think Tank is a planetary studio practicing by questioning the political, historical, and material legacy and imperatives of architecture and urbanism. Founded in Brussels during the financial crisis of 2008 by Puerto Rican architect, artist, curator, educator, author and theorist Cruz Garcia and French architect, artist, curator, educator, author and poet Nathalie Frankowski, WAI is one of their several platforms of public engagement that include Beijing-based anti-profit art space Intelligentsia Gallery, and the free and alternative education platform and trade-school Loudreaders.

Recent projects include the shortlisted design of the National Centre for Contemporary Arts (NCCA) in Moscow, the design of Osiri Innovation Learning Center, an invited competition for a museum in Suzhou, and the design of the Housetelier in Beijing, as well as the design of several educational, cultural and exhibition spaces, and the conception of architectural playgrounds.

Garcia and Frankowski are Associate Professors at Iowa State University. Authors of Narrative Architecture: A Kynical Manifesto, Pure Hardcore Icons: A Manifesto on Pure Form in Architecture, A Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education, and the upcoming book From Black Square to Black Reason: A Post-Colonial Architecture Manifesto.

Source: waithinktank.com 

Education: Universidad de Puerto Rico, Master of Architecture, Bachelor of Arts in Environmental Design
DEGI Research Grant, Alpha Rho Chi Medal, Henry Adams Medal

Workplace: Iowa State University

Current city: Ames, Iowa

Websites of interest: 

WAI Think Tank https://www.waithinktank.com/

Loudreaders https://loudreaders.com/

Intelligentsia Gallery 智先画廊 http://intelligentsiagallery.com/

Manual of Anti-Racist Architecture Education https://waithinktank.com/Anti-Racist-Education-Manual

WASH-Magazine https://www.waithinktank.com/WASH-Magazine-Taliesin-2016-17

GarciaFrankowski https://garciafrankowski.com/


Los Anarcos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5o-_FFfc6E

Bolero Tropical https://vimeo.com/265936820

Worldmakers Unite! Sixth Action https://vimeo.com/580132494

A Phantastic Odyssey (WAI X UN) https://vimeo.com/430614540

Worldmakers Unite! Dramatis Personae https://vimeo.com/580128096

Key words:

post-colonial method, loudreaders, anti-profit art Intelligentsia Gallery 智先画廊, manual of Anti-Racist architecture education WAI Think Tank #guerrerostudio

Learn more at:


Link tree Crossing City Limits

March ‘22


05 Alamira Reem Al Hashimi, PhD, Planning Abu Dhabi / Abu Dhabi


03 Shane Phillips, Affordable housing / Los Angeles